The goal of this international symposium is to capture the current research and scientific understanding related to high temperature corrosion so as to reflect the interests of the major industries dependent on the successful application of high-temperature materials. Thus, contributions are welcomed that address both current practical issues and the underlying science and technology. The main industrial fields addressed in this symposium are :
- Gas turbines for energy transformation or aeronautics
- Thermal engines
- Air- and oxy-fired boilers, incinerators, burners
- H2 and syngas production
- Fuel cells
- Heat exchangers, gas separation & cleanup
- Process industries (chemical, metallic alloys, ceramics, glass, pulp & paper)
- Nuclear industry
The major themes of the symposium are intended to raise issues where the results can be translated for implementation by industry and where industrial feedback can provide guidance to assist further research, for example :
- Fundamentals of high temperature reactions
- Modeling, prediction and simulation
- Oxidation in complex atmospheres (H2O, CO2, SO2, carburization…)
- Deposit induced corrosion
- Mechanical aspects of High Temperature Oxidation
- Protective coatings (including TBC, EBC)
- Oxidation of novel metallic materials (intermetallics, MMCs, HEAs…)
- Ceramics, MAX phases and high temperature ceramic composites
- Influence of additive manufacturing on High Temperature Oxidation
- Advanced characterization techniques